The following documents are held on The Pioneer Academy website and can be accessed via the following link – https://thepioneeracademy.co.uk/bexley/primary/pioneeracademy/site/pages/aboutus/documents
- Financial statements
- Disclosure of payment practices
- Articles of Association
- Master Funding Agreement
- Gender Pay Gap reporting
Trustee and Governor Register of Business Interests and Meeting Attendance information can be accessed via the following link - https://thepioneeracademy.co.uk/bexley/primary/pioneeracademy/site/pages/aboutus/governance/businessinterestsmeetingattendance
The following policies are held on The Pioneer Academy website and can be accessed via the following link – https://thepioneeracademy.co.uk/bexley/primary/pioneeracademy/site/pages/aboutus/policies
- Assessment policy
- British Values Statement
- Class grouping, setting, streaming policy
- Community Cohesion policy
- Equality Information Statement
- Exclusion policy
- Governor visits policy
- Health & Safety policy
- Media relations policy
- Mental Health & Wellbeing policy
- Safer Recruitment policy
- Scheme of Delegation
- Teaching & Learning policy
- Volunteers policy
- Whistleblowing policy
- Finance manual and associated policies
- GDPR manual and associated policies